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WT Progress Tests Exercises & Guidelines

QUALIFICATION FOR ENTRY: You may enter any level of which you think your dog is capable, EXCEPT if your dog has already qualified CDX then you must enter either Level THREE or FOUR.

WT Progress Tests Exercises

Heel on Lead, Recall without finish, Retrieve (any article), Send to Mat, Search (15 yd square – 3 articles), Sit Stay: 1 minute (in sight), Down Stay: 2 minutes (in sight)

All exercises as in Level One without the Scale exercise

Heel on Lead, Recall, Sendaway (30 - 50yards), Retrieve (any article), Search (15 yd square – 3 articles), Sit Stay: 1 min (in sight), Down Stay: 2 mins (in sight), Jumps at training height with the following minimum heights: Scale: 4ft, Clear Jump; 2ft, Long Jump 5ft

Heel on Lead, Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway (50 -75 yards), Retrieve (dumbbell), Search (15 yd square – 3 articles), Sit Stay: 2 mins (in sight), Down Stay 5 mins (in sight), Jumps at training height with the following minimum heights: Scale: 5ft, Clear Jump: 2ft 6in, Long Jump 6ft.

Heel on Lead, Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway (75-100 yards), Retrieve (dumbbell), Search (3 articles - 15 yd square), Sit Stay 2 mins (out of sight), Down Stay 5 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.

Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway, Retrieve (dumbbell) Search: (4 articles - 25 yd square), Sit Stay (2 mins out of sight), Down Stay 10 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.

Heel Free, Speak on Command, Sendaway & Redirection, Retrieve (judges article), Search: (4 articles - 25 yd square), Sit Stay (2 mins out of sight), Down Stay 10 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.

WT Progress Tests Guidelines

ELEMENTARY TEST (for puppies and beginner dogs)

Most progress tests will start with the Nosework Section first, this means you will be doing your Search Square and the Retrieve before anything else. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise first, whilst the steward is setting out your Search Square. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise after you have completed the search test. So be prepared to do either and take your Retrieve article with you when you are going to do your Search Square.

RETRIEVE (any article): on Steward’s command the dog to Sit and Wait whilst the Handler throws the article. Again on Steward’s command the handler to send the dog to retrieve the article to be returned to the handler into the Present Position. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise.

SEARCH (15 yd square – 3 articles). The handler is not allowed to go inside the square at any time during this exercise. The time allowed is 4 minutes and a minimum 2 articles have to be recovered by the dog to qualify this section. The time starts when the dog goes inside the square. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog for each article.

After all dogs in the test have completed the Nosework exercises you will be doing your Control Test. This is usually done in the same order as the first part of the test.

HEEL ON LEAD: On Steward’s command at 3 different paces (normal, fast and slow) the dog must be at heel on a loose lead at all times. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise. Lead corrections will be penalised.

RECALL without finish: The dog to be recalled from the Sit (or Down) position. Distance to be decided by the judge. On the steward’s command the handler calls the dog into the Present Position (in front of the handler). Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise.

SEND TO MAT: The Handler may show the dog the mat and place it on the ground. The dog to be taken about 5 paces away and to be sent back to the mat. The dog to stay on the mat in any position until released by the handler on steward’s command.

STAYS: distance to be decided by the judge. Sit Stay (1 minute in sight), Down Stay (2 minutes in sight)

EXTRA commands and encouragement WILL NOT be penalised.

ELEMENTARY PLUS (for beginner dogs)

Most progress tests will start with the Nosework Section first, this means you will be doing your Search Square and the Retrieve before anything else. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise first, whilst the steward is setting out your Search Square. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise after you have completed the search test. So be prepared to do either and take your Retrieve article with you when you are going to do your Search Square.

RETRIEVE (any article), as in Elementary Test with a finish to Heel. On Steward’s command the dog to Sit and Wait whilst the Handler throws the article. Again on Steward’s command the handler to send the dog to retrieve the article to be returned to the handler into the Present Position. On Steward’s command the dog to be sent to the Heel Position. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise

SEARCH (15 yrd square – 3 articles). The handler is not allowed to go inside the square at any time during this exercise. The time allowed is 4 minutes and a minimum 2 articles have to be recovered by the dog to qualify this section. The time starts when the dog goes inside the square. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog for each article.

HEEL ON LEAD: On Steward’s command at 3 different paces (normal, fast and slow) the dog must be at heel on a loose lead at all times. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise. Lead corrections will be penalised.

RECALL as in Elementary Test with a finish to Heel. The dog to be recalled from the Sit (or Down) position. Distance to be decided by the judge. On the steward’s command the handler calls the dog into the Present Position (in front of the handler). On Steward’s command the dog to be sent to the Heel Position. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise.

SENDAWAY (30 - 50yrds), The Handler may place a reward at the sendaway place/target and join the dog at the end of the exercise to release and play with the dog.

STAYS – as in Elementary Test. Sit Stay: 1 min (in sight), Down Stay: 2 mins (in sight),

EXTRA commands and encouragement WILL NOT be penalised.

Clear Jump 2ft,
Long Jump 5ft
Handlers may use a mat.

LEVEL ONE (preparation for CD)

Most progress tests will start with the Nosework Section first, this means you will be doing your Search Square and the Retrieve before anything else. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise first, whilst the steward is setting out your Search Square. Some judges will do the Retrieve exercise after you have completed the search test. So be prepared to do either and take your Retrieve article with you when you are going to do your Search Square.

RETRIEVE (any article), as in Elementary Test with a finish to Heel. On Steward’s command the dog to Sit and Wait whilst the Handler throws the article. Again, on Steward’s command the handler to send the dog to retrieve the article to be returned to the handler into the Present Position. On Steward’s command the dog to be sent to the Heel Position. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise

SEARCH (15 yd square – 3 articles). The handler is not allowed to go inside the square at any time during this exercise. The time allowed is 4 minutes and a minimum 2 articles have to be recovered by the dog to qualify this section. The time starts when the dog goes inside the square. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog for each article.

HEEL ON LEAD: On Steward’s command at 3 different paces (normal, fast and slow) the dog must be at heel on a loose lead at all times. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise. Lead corrections will be penalised.

RECALL as in Elementary Test with a finish to Heel. The dog to be recalled from the Sit (or Down) position. Distance to be decided by the judge. On the steward’s command the handler calls the dog into the Present Position (in front of the handler). On Steward’s command the dog to be sent to the Heel Position. Handler may encourage the dog verbally and carry any reward, which may be given to the dog at the end of the exercise.

SENDAWAY (30 - 50yrds), The Handler may join the dog at the end of the exercise to release and play with the dog.

STAYS: as in Elementary Test. Sit Stay: 1 min (in sight), Down Stay: 2 mins (in sight),

EXTRA commands and encouragement WILL NOT be penalised.

Clear Jump 2ft
Long Jump 5ft
Scale 4ft

Handler may use a mat for all the jumps. Handler is allowed to touch the Scale, hold up a reward to make the dog return and verbal encouragement or luring WILL NOT be penalised. However, pushing the dog over the Scale is definitely not allowed.

LEVEL TWO (ready for Introductory Stake)

Heel on Lead, Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway (50 -75 yards), Retrieve (dumbbell), Search (3 articles - 15yd square), Sit Stay: 2 mins (in sight), Down Stay 5 mins (in sight), Jumps at training height with the following minimum heights: Scale: 5ft, Clear Jump: 2ft 6in, Long Jump 6ft.

MINOR commands and encouragement WILL NOT be penalised except in Stays.

LEVEL THREE (ready to compete in the CD Stake)

Heel on Lead, Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway (75 - 100 yards), Retrieve (dumbbell), Search (3 articles - 15 yd square), Sit Stay 2 mins (out of sight), Down Stay 5 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.

LEVEL FOUR (already competing in UD & WD)

Heel Free, Recall, Sendaway, Retrieve (dumbbell) Search: (4 articles - 25 yd square), Sit Stay (2 mins out of sight), Down Stay 10 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.

LEVEL FIVE (ready to compete in TD open)

Heel Free, Speak on Command, Sendaway & Redirection, Retrieve (judges article), Search: (4 articles - 25 yd square), Sit Stay (2 mins out of sight), Down Stay 10 mins (out of sight), Scale: 5ft 6in, Clear Jump 3ft, Long Jump 8ft.