Banbury & District DTS Open Trial
15th – 16th April 2023
Trial Manager’s Report
Well, that is another Banbury Trial where the weather gods were kind. We had a bit of drizzle but otherwise it was dry and breezy but sadly we didn’t have the lovely sunshine of last year, although the sun did come out after nearly everyone had gone home!
The number of entries took me a bit by surprise this year – 15 in TD, 13 in WD and 10 in UD. I hope this is a sign that Working Trials is recovering. The trial ran over two days which meant a lot of work for our 3 judges.
The Banbury Team was as efficient as ever, with everyone knowing what needed doing and just getting on with it, leaving me to just stand around looking important. The kitchen team, under Steph’s experienced direction, provided breakfasts at the base, breakfast bacon butties for out in the field as well as lunch time snacks, and general sustenance for judges, tracklayers, stewards and competitors alike. Thanks to all who came to help Steph out – Sue, Marie, Ann, Corinne, Julia and anyone else I have forgotten. A huge thanks to all those that baked cakes. There was a wonderful variety and all were much appreciated.
My land agent, aka Carla, acquired some beautiful lush crop fields for us this year. Our farmers are so accommodating and helpful, we are lucky to have them. One even contacted Carla after the trial to make sure it was OK to spray now. How good is that !!!!
The Nosework Judges, Gary and Sandra Haim, came up from the West Country and set some great, sensible tests. Sandra judged the WD nosework on the Saturday, assisted by tracklayers John and Kate Wykes and square steward Angie Howe. Ange so enjoyed herself she has already asked me if she can do it again next year. On Sunday, Sandra judged the UD nosework assisted by tracklayers Colin Bricknell and Pip Nason, with Lynn Bricknell stewarding squares. Gary judged the TD nosework over two days, ably assisted by tracklayers Andy Baker and Len Newman and Emma Baker laying the squares.
Our own John Simpson judged the Control & Agility this year assisted by Nicky Crowther as steward. All three judges set good tests which, combined with the lovely condition of the fields, led to a great many qualifiers – 11 in TD, 7 in WD and 3 in UD.
Jane Webb ran the base as usual and did so efficiently in her own inimitable style. The escorts were Pat Sunderland and Ann Ferens who both did an amazing job and didn’t lose anyone.
It takes so many people to run a successful event and no matter what the job, all our helpers are important to the smooth running of our trial.
Thank You Team Banbury, I couldn’t do it without you.
For your diaries, next year’s dates are 13th and 14th April 2024.

TD/WD/UD Control and Agility
Judge : John Simpson
Steward: Nicky Crowther
My own club asked me to judge the C & A section of our trial this year. What a good time I had. Nicky and I enjoyed meeting all the competitors, many of them experienced faces but an encouraging number of newbies.
A huge thanks to Nicky for stewarding. She did exactly as I asked and was great company over the two days.
My test consisted of the same pattern of heelwork for all three stakes. TD and WD had to work around and through the jumps but UD worked to one side of them to reduce distractions. I was a little disappointed with the standard of the heelwork. Only one competitor, Barbara Bell, got the full 5 marks. Many started well but didn’t sustain it. Sendaway was 80 yards (60 for UD) to a copsed area. The redirect was to the right, alongside the edge of the copse. This exercise was generally well done. Only 8 competitors got full marks for the jumps.
Thanks to competitors for accepting my decisions. It was great to watch you all work.
WD & UD Report
WD Nosework
Judge Sandra Haim
Tracklayers John & Kate Wykes
Square Steward Angie Howe
13 entered 12 ran
Many thanks to Banbury for the invitation to judge the nosework for the WD & UD stakes. A big thank you must go to all the farmers for letting us use their land to track on we wouldn't survive as a sport without you. We were looked after extremely well by Shirley and all her team. Carla very kindly let us stay in her cottage and we are very grateful as it makes life so much easier when you can have your own dogs in with you. Thanks to Jane Webb running the base very efficently, and to Nicky Crowther for writing all the certificates and to Ann for escorting the competitors, also to Steph Gorden and her team in the kitchen thank you for looking after us so well and the cakes I sampled were delicious. The tracking land was superb and the crop was very lush giving all the dogs a fair chance. Apart from a little rain first thing on Sunday Morning we had two dry days with even some sunshine on Saturday afternoon. Thank you to all the competitors who entered under me and accepted my descisions, I hope you all enjoyed the tests. Everyone gave it a good try and to those who did qualify many congratulations and to those who didn't keep up with the training and better luck next time.
My tracklayers for WD were John & Kate Wykes so we were in very capable hands and they laid all the tracks just as I had asked so a big thank you to you both for giving up your time. My square steward was Angie Howe, thank you for laying all the square expertly, you only had to pick up one article, thanks for your company.
UD Nosework
Judge Sandra Haim
Tracklayers Colin Bricknell & Pip Nason
Square Steward Lynn Bricknell
10 entered 9 ran
My tracklayers for UD were Colin Bricknell and Pip Nason, thank you both for laying the tracks just as I wanted and for giving up your time much appreciated. To Lynn Bricknell for laying all the UD squares, I hope we didn't tire you out too much, again thanks for your company and for giving up your time.

UD Stake
1st John Turtill & Bruich Laddich, BC 186 Q. A nice steady track from Bruick and calm handling from John, congratulations and well done to the Turtill team.
2nd Dave Stretch & Janjelly Toby, XBreed 183.5 Q. Toby tracked very well, well done.
3rd Barbara Bell & Laurinco Red Tornado, Lab 182.5 Q. Despite Barbara being nervous she & Jed made a great team together and made the track look easy. Well done.
4th Dave Stretch & Ceri Fach AP Concenn, Welsh Sheepdog 157.5 NQ. Up until the very last leg Ceri had not lost a point, such a shame she went the wrong way. Better luck next time.

WD Stake
1st Dave Stewart & Stardell Casia, BC 195 Q, A lovely track and square from Cassie made all the more entertaining with the little jumps she did as she raced around the track. congratulations and well done.
2nd Joan Snowden & Stardell Kari, BC 193.5 Q, Best track of the day well done the Snowden team.
3rd Lyndie Lothian & Perfect Pixillation, WSD 192.5 Q, just a few blips on the track finishing with a lovely search square. Well done
4th Michael Loughran & Lady Lyra, XBreed 191 Q, Lyra's tail never stopped wagging she clearly likes to work. Well done
Also qualifying
Jenny Holt & Bayliss Taff of Beelaholt, WSD 190 Q
Sally Rose & Coppinschase Taaka Graf, Lab 189.5 Q
Richard Cornwell & Vongraf UFO, GSD 183.5 Q
TD Nosework
Judge; Gary Haim
Tracklayers; Andy Baker and Len Newman
Square Steward; Emma Baker
15 Entered 15 Competed
Firstly, I would like to thank Banbury for the invitation to judge the TD Nosework at their Open Trial. This trial was a master class in how club members worked together to put on a fantastic trial for everyone taking part. The base and control field with ample parking is superb. Many thanks to Trials Manager Shirley Simpson for running the trial who did an excellent job.
My tracklayers were Andy Baker & Len Newman who laid first class tracks & were great company over the weekend. Emma Baker laid all the squares exactly as asked giving everyone the same chance, thanks Emma really enjoyed your company hope your feeling better. I would also like to thank Jane Webb for running the base, good to see you again. To Steph Gorden & everyone involved in the kitchen who produced great food for us. To Nicky Crowther for writing all the certificates and to everyone involved in escorting the competitors.
Finally, I would like to thank Carla for inviting us to your home for the weekend, you made us very welcome it was much appreciated, also the land you acquired for all the tracking was superb, please thank the farmers on our behalf.
Many thanks to all the competitors for entering under me, it was a pleasure to watch your dogs work.

TD Stake
1st Pat Antrobus & Trisant Beca, Cocker Spaniel 211 Q, Congratulations Pat lovely track & square a pleasure to watch.
2nd Jane Wood & Rubiheath Ted, BC 208.5 Q. Fantastic track & square. No commands given on the square just let Ted do his job. Well done Jane well deserved.
3rd Linda Newbold & Firetouch Time for Fun, BC 208.5 Q. Toddy had us worried at the start but went on to do a good track & full mark square well done Linda.
4th Jenny Orchard & Quornline Kiwi, Lab 204.5 Q. Another good track & full mark square, well done Jenny.
Also qualifying
Judith Stamp & Brionny Beccadoon, Xbreed 203.5 Q
Kaye Littlehayes & Kaliture Appollo of Kayendor, Lab 201 Q
Christine Davis & Vomtholou Acer, GSD 196 Q
Sharon Lord & Monksgold Pearl Divers Echo, Goldie 194.5 Q
Judy Meekings & Flintsfield Rifleman at Windlebrook, Lab 189.5 Q
Kev Bryan & Tyshunde Firebug, GSD 188.5 Q
Priscilla Bayliss & Bethan Blue of Kingscote, WS 180 Q
Special Event 16th April 2023
Ryelands Field Aynho
Judge: Le Newman
7 entered 6 worked
Banbury Club runs the Special Event as a taster for those interested in training for working trials. A track approx. 500yds with 3 articles, a 20yd square with 4 articles and a control round to include a short send away and 5 minute down stay.
There is no agility at this level. In my opinion it is a brilliant way of encouraging handlers to actually want to train and eventually enter trials. As a judge it was so rewarding to see how delighted the handlers were with their dogs as they found the track articles and then got all 4 out the square! One of the best judging appointments I can remember in my 25 years of being fortunate enough to be asked to judge. Well done!
It was a pleasure to spend the day with you all.
1st Kate Wilton Finn ESS 175 ½ Q
2nd Sylvia Nicholson Chapelforge Angus with Norwulf GSD 170 ½ Q
3rd Sylvia Nicholson Ch Larath Aramis (JW) GSD 170 Q
4th Angela Howe Sabre GSD 169 ½ Q
5th Jo Quick Hundenkraft Boliver GSD 164 ½ Q
6th Marie Fitzgerald Alfie ESS Non-Q
My thanks to Sharon and Carla our Track Layers, Gill for laying the squares and Sharon who also scribed the control round. They were equally brilliant!
Leonie Newman