Participants Ann Ferens, Shirley Simpson, Kate Wilton & Angela Howe enjoying some of the winter sun!

Tracklayer Stephanie Gordon with judge Rita Banfather & steward John Simpson with tracklayer Sharon Lord

Marie Fitzgerald and Alfie at the start of their track

Sheila Smith & Forti with judge, Rita Banfather
Sunday 5th February 2023
This was the first time that Banbury Dog Training Club organised this stake and what a great day we had! The weather was cold & crisp with beautiful sunshine, a wonderful wintry day. There was hardly any wind which was great for the tracking, but it made the searching a little harder although you would not have known it as all dogs did lovely search squares. However, it was the tracking where the majority of dogs were struggling, but then 50 percent of the dogs were young pups who had never been in a test before. All of them had great attitudes and were very keen, which promises well for the future.
Judge, Rita Banfather, set a very interesting test which threw some of the less experienced handlers, but Rita was very encouraging and generous and everybody came away having learned something new. Huge thank you to our helpers: tracklayers Steph Gordon & Sharon Lord and search steward John Simpson giving it their all, ensuring everybody had an equal chance of success.
Out of 8 participants we had 3 successful tracks and sadly one of them went out in the Control round, so we ended up with 2 qualifiers over all. Results were as follows:
1st place: Shirley Simpson & Teasel (BC) Q 181/185pts, little Teasel looking like a Pro and not putting a paw wrong!!
2nd place: Marie Fitzgerald & Alfie (ESS) Q 177/185pts also winning Best Track Award. It was this team’s first time in a WT Stake, but you would not have known that. Super job!
3rd place: Sheila Smith & Forti (Beagle) NQ 155.5/185pts Super happy track & search from Forti, who sadly came to grief on the Sendaway. Well done, Sheila.
4th place: Angela Howe & Sabre (GSD) NQ 134/185pts also winning Best Control Round Award. Angela has promised Sabre that she will believe him on the track next time!
Congratulations to the qualifiers above and commiserations to those who did not qualify on this occasion. Your time will surely come and we hope to be running another Special Stake at our Open Trial this April. So keep on tracking!
Finally a big thank you to Ann Ferens for organising the catering again for us. Your help is very much appreciated.
Here is hoping you all enjoyed the day as much as I enjoyed organising it.

The Track Pattern

Awards and debriefing, with very welcome refreshments!