Banbury Open Working Trial
UD, WD & TD Stakes
16th & 17th April 2022
Ryelands Field, Aynho
Trials Manager’s Report
Holding a Trial in April is always a bit of a lottery regarding the weather. In the past we have had winds so strong that we had to stake down the clear jump frame to stop it blowing over, floods, freezing temperatures and, now and again, sunshine. Our first trial at the new base was obviously smiled upon by the “weather gods” as we had 2 full days of sunshine, very little wind and NO RAIN. The heat could have been a bit much for some of the dogs but judging by the number of qualifications we had, I don’t think it was too much of a problem.
It was a much scaled down event compared to previous years as competitor numbers haven’t recovered yet from pre covid days. However, those that are competing are still as enthusiastic as ever and, judging by the number of pups and young dogs around, there is life in working trials yet.
Managers in any organisation are only as good as the people around them and that is so true of our club. Everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing and they quietly get on with it with very little input needed from me, so THANKYOU team for making me look competent.
The judges at a trial add greatly to the success of the event and this year we had some crackers. Ray Lea, an old friend of Banbury who regards the club as his own, judged both the UD and WD Nosework. The UD, worked on the Saturday, had Colin Bricknell and Pip Nason laying the tracks, with Kate Wilton laying squares. On the Sunday, Colin laid the WD tracks along with Kate Wykes, poached from Leamington, and first timer Angie Howe did the squares.
Caroline and Gary Martin came down from North Lincolnshire to judge the TD Nosework (Caroline) and the C & A for all the stakes (Gary). The day before the trial Nicky Crowther went down with the dreaded Covid and as she was going to be tracklaying TD, I had to do a quick reshuffle of helpers. In the end, tracklayers were Len Newman and Carla on both days with Lynn Bricknell doing the squares. Le Newman stewarded for Gary. The judges’ sensible tests, along with lush tracking land, meant that we had quite a few qualifiers, the most notable being the winner of UD, Beth Davis, who is aged 18, so good to see a youngster competing, and our own Sharon Lord who won the WD.
Jane Webb ran the base desk again this year and did so with her usual style. She did a great job and we got all the results sorted at the end of the day in record time.
A few weeks before the trial, our kitchen consisted of a table with a kettle on it. By the time the trial arrived we had a working kitchen with running hot and cold water and Steph, Sue and the team did a great job of supplying cooked breakfasts for the judges, along with bacon or sausage butties, toasties and freshly made sandwiches for anyone who wanted them. Thanks for all your efforts. Thanks also to those who donated cakes, they went down a storm.
Carla’s relationship with the farmers has been invaluable when it comes to getting tracking land and this year was no exception, so a huge thank you goes to Carla. It makes life so much easier when I don’t have to worry too much about sprayers arriving on the scene.
Escorting was carried out by Pat Sunderland and Ann Ferens, assisted on occasion by John Simpson, and all the competitors got to their tracks on time, even if they had a tour of Northamptonshire first!!!!!
Talking of John – He has been my sounding board, my punch bag, my dog walker, my puppy sitter, my gofer and doer of a hundred other things and it really is appreciated and makes my job so much easier.
Thank you Team Banbury for your help and support, for carrying out your roles without fuss, for your friendly and welcoming attitude to the competitors and for being good fun to be with.
The dates for your diaries next year will be 16-17 April 2023 – highlight it now team.

Happiness is being in great company in the sunshine!! And enjoying cake!
A huge THANK YOU to Shirley & John Simpson for not only organising and running a super trial this Easter weekend, also for doing all the prep work on the container, installing a kitchen with hot and cold running water. With a bit of help from the wonderful Brian Hartree who supplied the heating and dug a big hole!
Everything was organised to perfection and nothing left to chance. And of course they also had a little help from the weather as the sun never stopped shining and the nice breeze made the tracking conditions ideal. So all the competitors and spectators sat out in the sunshine most of the day, making us all feel we were on holiday!
It was great to see our Trial up and running again after a 3 year absence, so thank you again to Shirley and our wonderful team.
Banbury Open Trial 16th/17th April 2022
TD/WD/UD Control and Agility
Judge – Gary Martin
Steward- Le Newman
Many thanks to the committee of Banbury for the invitation to judge the control and agility sections at this friendly and well organised trial. From the moment we arrived the atmosphere was one of genuine friendliness and support, nothing was too much trouble. Throughout the whole weekend it was an absolute pleasure to be part of this event. The base and team are first class.
It was Friday afternoon when we arrived at the base/control field and it was all hands on deck. The team being led by Shirley who was quietly getting things done and organising the whole team setting up. Throughout the run up to the trial Shirley kept us informed about conditions of the land, numbers of competitors and helpers available. She really has mastered this art of trials management and did a superb job. Nothing was left to chance and every base was covered. Thank you for all your hard work and fab company Shirley.
The Banbury team is a well oiled machine dong all manner of tasks. John Simpson was running around here and there, a blur at times! The kitchen was already in operation when we arrived and Steph brought us a most welcome cup of tea as we pulled up. The kitchen was staffed through the weekend by Steph, Ann, Anne and Sue. There was a huge range of cakes available – suffice to say I sampled them all! – and we were supplied with lovely refreshments for the weekend. Thank you ladies, you are awesome.
Carla put us up in her lovely annexe which was spot on for us. It was absolutely first class. Thank you so much Carla and for your generous and kind hospitality, and all the natters we had about all manner of canine activities. I do love your two Working Cockers they are gorgeous!
Jane did the scores and looked after the base with her trademark efficiency. It’s been a long time since we had seen Jane, and we count her amongst our dearest friends. We had loads to catch up on so every spare minute was spent chatting, laughing and a general catch up. Thanks for all your hard work Jane, and keeping me on track as to where I should be.
My steward was Le Newman, who has steward for me before, is a lovely friend and great company. Not only that but is a super steward, putting all competitors at their ease, giving clear instructions and ensuring they got the best opportunity to show their dogs off. She also ensured that I didn’t sit around drinking tea all day and that I was where I should at the right time. During any downtime we had a good laugh and of course talked dogs and training. Thank you Le for all your hard work, your professionalism and your company.
Lastly thanks to all the competitors who were sporting and gave my test a real good go. You all showed working trials off at it’s best. There were some dogs who were just a bit unlucky on the day, everyone of them is within in touching distance of qualifying. Thank you for being an amazing group, you are all that is good in this fab sport of ours.
The test started with either the retrieve or speak- the latter consisted of leaving dog in any position and joining me 10 paces away from the dog. Then 10 barks, a quiet and return to dog. This led us to heelwork that took us to the sendaway.
UD sendaway was 80 paces, WD was 90 paces down to a hedge that had a white pole in the shrubbery. TD consisted of 100 out run and a 90 pace redirect right to a fence.
Jumps were then undertaken, clear, long and scale.
UD stake
1st Bethany Davis with Fachell Wren a WSD bitch. Qualified CoM on 183. To say I was impressed with this team is an understatement. Despite her obvious nerves, Bethany took a deep breath and then absolutely mullered the test not dropping a single mark. The way she handles Wren is way beyond her years, it was an absolute pleasure watching this team just flow through the round as though it was a training session at home. Beth may not have felt it went like that!! Both Le and I said ‘wow' after Bethany had finished. A truly first class performance, good luck in the future.
2nd Di Whiting with Altricia Lady Philippa BC bitch. NQ on 185.5. Fluke was unlucky not to qualify, with the long and clear unfortunately proving their undoing. They had started off the round only dropping half a mark on the sendaway demonstrating what potential this team has. They were clean and polished throughout and without doubt qualification is just around the corner. Good luck in future Di.
3rd Pat Golding with Kizzie Cuddlebug Kelpie/Collie cross bitch. NQ on 171. Pat and Kizzie stormed through the test losing only minor bits and bobs. They looked a polished and very capable team. The lovely rapport was evident throughout. However, Kizzie took on herself to have a scratch on her back during stays and then have a shake. Such a shame for Pat as she has worked so hard to get Kizzie up to competition standard, but it’s all there Pat. Good luck in the future.
4th Lorraine Jack with Rawreth Arabella Doberman bitch. NQ. This team breezed through the test losing only odds and ends here and there. Lovely jumps and fab control throughout. They really looked a polished team during C&A. Qualification is not far away at all Lorraine. Best of luck in the future.
WD Stake
1st Sharon Lord with Monksgold Pearl Diver Echo a G/Retiever bitch. Qualified on 189. What a super team this is, lovely rapport between them, Echo adores her mum! Return on the scale proved problematic but aside from that they breezed through the test. A typically stylish and happy Goldie they really are a joy to watch. Well done on a worthy win and qualification. Good luck in the future.
2nd Judith Stamp with Brionny Beccadoon a crossbreed bitch. Qualified on 185. A heartstopping moment when Becca decided that stays weren’t for her this day. But Judith gathered herself and produced a perfect control round! They dropped only one on the scale when Beccas enthusiasm got the better of her and anticipated the return. Judith really deserved this qualification, they are a quality team. It’s all there Judith in abundance, good luck for the future.
3rd Jamie Evan’s with Jay's Night Fury a Malinois bitch. Qualified on 179.5. Nala conducted the most enthusiastic retrieve I have seen! What a fantastic team they are. Bags of enthusiasm and a lovely rapport between them. Lost one point on the sendaway and full mark jumps. The obvious enjoyment this team have working with other was evident throughout. It was a pleasure to watch this team, good luck in the future.
4th Jenny Orchard with Quornline Kiwi a Labrador bitch. Qualified on 178.5. Jenny's careful and sympathetic handling, and experience got the very best out of Lily. With just a blip on the long jump this was a near perfect round. Really nice bond between them and Lily gives her absolute all for Jenny. A real pleasure watching this team. Well done on your qualification and good luck in the future.
TD Stake
1st Jain Douglas with Skylark Gael BC bitch. Qualified on 210. The very last team to work of the weekend. Really nice tidy round with just the long causing a blip. Superb enthusiastic sendaway and redirect, coupled with a really nice round gave Jain a well deserved win. Gael is a credit to Jain's training and the lovely rapport they have is evident. Well done Jain and good luck in the future.
2nd Andy Baker with Bryn Some Lose Some BC dog. Qualified on 205.5. Really nice round to watch, this team is really starting to go places now. A super round with Bryn losing just a mark on the heelwork. A real star in the making with Andy's experience and Bryn's enthusiasm. Its a pleasure to watch these two work a round. Well done Andy and good luck in the future.
3rd Jackie Dykes with Jummly Jooh crossbreed bitch. Qualified on 204. Great team to watch, as Jackie guided Lily around the test with sympathetic and careful handling. Just the long caused an issue which I know is unusual for Lily. Other than that, a really nice polished round. Well done on your qualification and good luck in the future.
4th Jayne Lewis with Littlemiss Rhynston Wren. BC bitch. Qualified on 203.5. Nice round from Jayne and Wren. Dropped a bit on the sendaway due to bit of confusion but other than full marks. Polished teamwork that shone through. Quiet and careful handling ensured Jayne got the best out of this lovely dog. Well done and good luck for the future.
Also qualified
Anne Thorpe with Stardell Hati over Dalemain BC bitch. Qualified on 197. Really nice experienced handling from Annie as you'd expect. Heelwork was outstanding and the control between the exercises was just what I like to see. It makes for a polished and professional look. Well done Anne it was a pleasure watching you and Hati, good luck in the future.
Adrian Quick with Dexter Ruben GSD dog. Qualified on 196. Ragnar really didn’t like the heat, however he just got on with it and produced a very nice round. Lost just bits here and there but overall a nice round. That’s this teams second TD open qualification, so good luck in ticket
UD Stake Results
WD Stake Results
TD Stakes Results
Banbury & District DTS Open Trial 16/17 April 2022
TD Nosework Judge :- Caroline Martin
C & A Judge :- Gary Martin
Square Steward:- Lynn Bricknell
Tracklayers:- Carla Nieuwenhuizen & Len Newman
Thank you to Banbury & District DTS for inviting me to judge, to Shirley & John for running a great trial and looking after us so well and Carla for your hospitality and making us feel like were on holiday!
Thank you to base steward Jane, the ladies in the kitchen and my TD team out on the field, Lynn for squares and Carla and Len for tracklaying. So good to have all your knowledge and experience with me. Thank you for your expertise and also your great company
I'd like to thank the landowners for allowing us access to your fields and finally thanks to all the competitors for entering and giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs. I really enjoyed watching you all.
Tracking was on very well grown crop and both Saturday and Sunday were very warm days and quite breezy.
Out of the 12 teams that worked, 10 qualified In the nosework section.
7 dogs found all 3 articles on the track and 3 dogs found 2 articles.
Track articles were a piece of green rubber approximately 2” x 2”, a piece of yellow hose approximately 2 1/2” long and a ¼ of a tennis ball.
The track was 14 legs with 1 cut back.
3 dogs found all 4 square articles, 4 found 3 articles and 3 found 2.
Square articles were a piece of leather approximately 2” square, a piece of material approximately 2” square, a piece of orange flex approximately 3 ½” and a piece of wood approximately 3” long.
1st Jain Douglas
with SKYLARK GAEL CDEX, UDex, WDex, BC, B. Q 210.
Super track with all articles found both on the track and in the square.
Congratulations Jain
2nd Andy Baker
Strong track with all 3 track articles found and 3 retrieved from square.
Great work Andy
3rd Jackie Dykes
with JUMMLY JOOH CDX, UDX, WDX Crossbreed, B. Q 204
Great track with all 3 track articles found and 3 retrieved from square.
Lovely work Jackie
4th Jayne Lewis
This team did well to recover after a sticky patch with all articles found on the track and in the square.
Well done Jayne
Also qualifying
Anne Thorpe with STARDELL HATI over DALMAIN CDX, UDX, BC, B. Q 197
Adrian Quick with DEXTER RUBEN CDX, UDX, WDX, GSD. D. Q 196
TD Track pattern
TD Track pattern with track articles on the left and square articles on the right.
Banbury & District DTS Open Trial 16/17 April 2022
UD Nosework
Judge: Ray Lea
Tracklayers: Colin Bricknell and Pip Nason
Square Steward: Kate Wilton
Many thanks to the committee of Banbury & DDTS for the invitation to judge UD and WD nosework at the open trial over the Easter weekend. Thanks to Shirley and John Simpson for running a fabulous trial and all the hard work you have put in to this fantastic new venue, one to be very proud of. Thanks to Carla and Jeremy for your hospitality in your lovely home yet again. To the ladies doing all the cooking, fabulous food as always, thank you. And to my team out in the field, tracklayers Colin and Pip, great job well done thank you, and to my steward Kate, new to stewarding and never put a foot wrong, thank you and well done and nice company.
Tracking was on a good growth of crop and most teams found tracking quite easy with not many mistakes with five teams going to the control in a qualifying position but sadly only one team qualified at the end.
Well done all teams and thank you for entering.
1st Beth Davis
with Fachell Wren WSD B on 183pts Q. Nice steady track from Wren and this young handler, great qualification, well done Beth, a young team to look out for.
2nd Diane Whiting
with Altricia Lady Philippa BC B on 185.5pts NQ. A lovely track and well handled.
3rd Pat Golding
with Kizzie Cuddlebug Kelpie/Collie B on 171pts NQ. First to track and set the pace with a good track.
4th Lorraine Jack
with Rawreth Arabella Dob B on 98.5pts made a good attempt but it wasn’t to be today.
Banbury & District DTS Open Trial 16/17 April 2022
WD Nosework
Judge: Ray Lea
Tracklayers: Colin Bricknell and Kate Wykes
Square Steward: Angie Howe
My team for this stake, Tracklayers Colin and Kate and my steward, another newbie to stewarding, Angie Howe and a great job she did too Shirley. You have added two good stewards to your team. Tracking was on the same crop as the UD. Eight teams entered, five teams worked and four teams qualified and I had the pleasure of judging some lovely tracking, nice to watch on another sunny day.
Thank you every one for entering and allowing me to judge you and your dogs.
And to the land owners for allowing us to trample all over your crop, thank you so much.
1st Sharon Lord
with Monksgold Pearl Diver Echo GR B on 189pts Q a lovely track and square from this team made it look so easy. Well done.
2nd Judith Stamp
with Brionnny Beccadoon X/ breed B on 185pts Q. Again a lovely track from Becca well done. On a roll.
3rd Jamie Evans
with Jays Night Fury Mali B on 179.5pts Q. Gave us a bit of a heart stopping moment part way round but you stuck at it and worked it out. Well done.
4th Jenny Orchard
with Quornline Kiwi Lab B on 178.5pts Q. First to go and set the early pace. Well done Jenny x